Monday, 22 October 2007

Poster Buenos Aires

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Wednesday, 17 October 2007

On Oct. 27th Chiara flies to Buenos Aires

Centro de Estudios de Filosofía Antigua (CEFA)
Universidad Nacional de San Martín (Argentina)
Colloque International sur
“Parménide, vénérable et redoutable"
(Platon, Théétète, 183e)
(Buenos Aires, Argentine, 30 Octobre-2 Novembre 2007)

Organisé par Universidad Nacional de San Martín (Argentina), HYELE, Institut for Comparative Studies (Switzerland), Parmenides Publishing (USA)

In less than two weeks I will have the pleasure to be in Buenos Aires, thanks to the kind invitation of Prof. Nestor Cordero. This is the list of Parmenides scholars who will get together in Buenos Aires: Scott AUSTIN (USA), Jean BOLLACK (France), Giovanni CASERTANO (Italie), Barbara CASSIN (France), Giovanni CERRI (Italie), Néstor L. CORDERO (Argentine), Lambros COULOUBARITSIS (Belgique), Patricia CURD (USA), Jean FRÈRE (France), Arnold HERMANN (USA), Alexander P.D.MOURELATOS (USA), Massimo PULPITO (Italie), Chiara ROBBIANO (Hollande), Fernando SANTORO (Brésil), José SOLANA DUESO (Espagne), Panagiotis THANASSAS (Grèce), José G. TRINDADE SANTOS (Portugal).

For more information see the website of the Universidad Nacional de San Martín (Argentina) and my old post.

Sunday, 7 October 2007


In the evening of Oct. 8th I will be talking about HAPPINESS in Aristotle, for the CREA ( in Amsterdam.